Corporate Initiatives

Empower you to become your best!

Our processes support individuals/teams/organizations to review authentically where they are in life: behaviour, attitude, communication, relationships, career, family through authentic reflection. Then we support them to transition to the next level in a safe and supportive environment.

Over the last 10 months we have gently and gradually worked towards running at least 1-2 corporate programs every month, all through word of mouth. Our clients include Nutrition Society of India, Microsoft, VMware, Cyient, Lastminute Group, Mercedes Benz and Capital One, as we continue to be invited to partner with other leading MNCs.


Why work with Us – Our Uniqueness

That which makes us different
Will make a difference in the world some day
Tom Krause

We are pioneers in integrating processes from psychotherapy, neuroscience, quantum based technology, mindfulness, emotional intelligence and conscious living  to create experiential learning that helps people make shifts through self discovery and continued practice. Hence our programs – workshops and coaching – are transformative. E.g. Our basic communication programs include experiences to enhance the brain’s peak potential while emphasizing on activities and assessments that promote skill development. 

The brightest example of our work is Creative School, our sister organization that is today positioned amongst the top 20 alternate schools in India. This success, and that of having worked with other institutions, individuals, teams across the world, has greatly increased our impetus to share our experiences and insights to support corporate professionals.

We are being invited by organizations to design and deliver highly customized transformational and skill development programs for existing and emergent leaders, individual contributors, teams, business units/departments through workshops, wellness labs, playshops, individual coaching and certified extended learning courses that span 6-8 months. Our shorter engagements include – interactive wisdom talks, mini workshops and counselling sessions. Our programs are high on assessments that offer opportunities for unbiased observation, along with safe and supportive feedback.

Thus, clients seek long term engagement with us: this makes us happy while inspiring us to become increasingly creative and committed.

Shift from Avoidance (scarcity consciousness) to Approach (prosperity consciousness) integrated in both our organizations for 10+ years.

How Do We Do This – thorough training and practice

Jayashree and Ashok – co-founders of Creative & Prajña walk the talk as Chief Mentors, urging us to keep unfolding and reinventing to give our best.

Each of our facilitators is certified by world-renowned masters and their organizations in multiple areas of holistic and integrated people development processes such as –

  • Psychotherapy: inner child work; age regression; prosperity consciousness; family and work constellation; voice dialogue; journaling; play healing; EFT (emotional freedom technique)
  • Creative approaches like visual art; movement; yoga through stories; angel therapy; dreams, signs and symbols; Ultimate Frisbee; psychodrama; nature and animal communication
  • Neuroscience, quantum science and energy medicine such as BrainTap; Quantum iNfinity; and homoeopathy
  • Holistic wellness – rebirthing breathwork; mindfulness; energy healing; chakra balancing and healing; balancing with the 5 elements; meditation
  • Skill development in life and work skills – compassionate communication, executive presence, assertiveness, emotional intelligence, facilitation processes
  • Leadership and spiritual administration


There are 3 tenets we constantly choose to abide by: Truth (authenticity), Simplicity and Service.


Our Approach

He who works with his hands is a labourer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.
St Francis of Assisi

Each of our offerings has a fine balance of the head, the heart and the hands, making it experiential and stimulating: we incite our learners and ourselves to learn to learn. All our programs are first grounded in the Prajña -Creative community: designed, delivered and refined through deep study and practice within the Sangha. Thus from our rigorous practice stems our self-belief, that drives our high quality delivery.


Life Community

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