The Yoga, Art and Science of Parenting (Advanced Course)
Duration: 6 month program
“Yoga”: A way to unite with the divine. Mastery of the self through practice and meditation with a high level of commitment.
Parenting is “yoga”…..a journey of conscious engagement followed by surrender to the divine. It is a spiritual path that calls for rigorous learning and practice leading to your own evolution and refinement while being there fully for your child, through the different stages of life. The fruits of this can be sweet and fulfilling for the whole family!
The Sacred Parenting course is inspired by the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It combines both spiritual wisdom and practice as well as findings from modern psychology. It is a transformational journey integrating powerful concepts from age-old wisdom that are applicable in this new age with scientific tools and techniques, aimed to help parents work on themselves, gain practical skills to give the right support to their children and thereby experience a better parent-child relationship.
The course has been developed and designed from over 20 years of study and work that our founders Jayashree and Ashok have put in. The philosophy and practices have been applied with success at Creative School and have been refined and enriched by the experiences of many teachers over the years.
Through the program we learn how to deeply honour our role as a parent and gently cultivate both love and compassion for ourselves and our children. It is a journey of awareness, subtle navigation, recognizing and dissolving of our ego and awakening of inner wisdom.
Program Details:
The course offers many rich experiences for learning and practice through a variety of in-person and online interventions on a weekly basis, over 6 months.
- Webinars – Pre recorded video material will be shared on a weekly basis. Typically 1 webinar a week.
- Podcasts – Audio recorded teachings and meditations to cultivate mindfulness and self awareness.
- Study material – In the form of manuals, articles, books which will support the building of awareness and knowledge. All material needed for the course will be provided to participants.
- Contact classes – These will be a live meeting space either in-person or online for 2 hours once a week to deepen the learning through Q & A, sharing and processes.
- Group practice sessions – Some of the contact classes will also include practice. There will also be sessions dedicated purely for practice.
- Private healing sessions – Upto 3 one-on-one healing / counseling sessions with a facilitator.
- Parent support group – A virtual sangha / community that will be available beyond the duration of the course to help you sustain a steady practice and provide support to face real life challenges.
- Access to online course and resources – Continued access to refer study materials, videos, etc. which will be available online.
Program Dates & Schedule:
This is a 6 month program, starting on January 2nd 2023.
A detailed schedule with dates for the contact classes will be shared with participants.
Once a week there will be webinars emailed to participants along with an in person or online live contact class / practice session on one day of the week, mostly Saturdays. There will be 3 to 4 such contact classes every month.
Course Facilitators:
The course has been developed by our founder Jayashree Ashok and will be taught primarily by Jayashree and Ashok along with the team of trustees, program advisors and experienced senior teachers. For Jayashree and Ashok, the journey of parenting has come a full circle – having experienced the growth of their children and now seeing them make wholesome choices for themselves has shown the full and intense yoga of parenting. Having practiced this wholly, they now feel guided to offer this to many.
Who Is This Course For?
- Parents, teachers and caregivers who are ready to take self responsibility, work on themselves to heal and transform their inner being.
- Psychologists, Counselors, Educationists and students from these streams who are interested in working with parents and children.
Eligibility Criteria:
– All participants are required to commit to attend all the modules or in the rare case of missing it, take support to make up for the missed class.
– Those who want to participate in Sacred Parenting course are required to attend the Introduction to A Child’s Journey; Stages of Child Development Workshop (coming up on December 17th & 18th).
– In addition it is beneficial if participants have also attended at least one of the below listed programs offered at Prajña Wisdom Centre.
- Emotional Well-being Course
- Compassionate Communication Course
- Sacred Classroom, Life & Living Retreat
- Sacred Living & Healing Retreat
- Life & Living Workshop (coming up on December 3rd & 4th)
- Please contact us if you have not completed the pre requisite and want to take the Sacred Parenting course.
Energy Exchange:
The course is a fundraiser for Creative School’s Parijatha, Chiguru and Moggu programs, which provide fully sponsored education for children from low income backgrounds. Please contact us for more details.
For Enquiry & Registration Contact:
Tel: +91 7899917212
Please note: Registrations close on December 25th 2022
The Creative and Prajña team look forward to this journey with you. Please feel free to contact us for any questions or clarifications regarding the program.