
Prajña is working towards promoting Holistic living all over the world. Holistic living is based on the principle, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. When applied to individual lives, it means that life is far greater than the sum of its various aspects. When applied to community living, it means that together a community can achieve much more than the sum of the individual achievements of all its members.


Specialists on Panel

Based on the program design, we have a panel of doctors, theatre professionals, therapists, artists, sportspersons, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, technologists, chefs, designers, social scientists, psychotherapists, meditators, teachers, lawyers, IT professionals and so on, who will be called upon to render their support.

Each of the above is part of our 250+ strong Sangha and is directly associated with Creative and Prajña.

Life Community

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Enter your registered e-mail address (twice) and then press the submit button to receive password reset information by e-mail.

Reset password

Enter a new password, repeat the password for verification and then, press the submit button to change your password.