About us
Prajña Wisdom Centre is dedicated to soul science, healing, and enlightenment. We see life as an opportunity or Sadhana as we embrace and transform our physical realities with spiritual wisdom. We are located in a quiet and serene area in North Bangalore. The Center is a safe, loving, and wonderful space for personal healing as well as a spiritual community for sharing and growth. We are open to all people young or old, independent of religion, caste or gender. Prajña is also the heart of a new school for soul-based education called “Creative.”Prajña and Creative school were born with the blessings of Spiritual Master Dr Newton Kondaveti through an intense spiritual journey Jayashree underwent under his loving guidance.
Prajña is dedicated as a space for unconditional love, friendship, and living wisdom. The path is one where life itself is a sadhana towards perfection, and harmony. Challenges in our lives are a natural part of evolution, the growth of our consciousness. Challenges can provide us a wonderful opportunity to grow and learn from them. With this awareness, our programs offer practical spirituality to help face life challenges, empower and energize while bringing in understanding of our self and life’s journey through direct personal experience. Prajña Wisdom Centre offers many spiritual processes for the whole family to heal and awaken their inner wisdom. Adults and children benefit from learning many tools, processes and wisdom sharing at Prajña . We create our outer reality based on what is within us – our inner reality. We offer programs that consciously help us relate to our inner and outer realities. Prajña promotes “Living Wisdom” the wisdom to live fully aware of all dimensions of our human life and consciousness. We learn to become conscious creators of our own life. Through our own unique personal experiences and journey we share with each other in a supportive sangha.