Little Buddhas Training Program

2 Days – June 2015

The most awaited Little Buddhas Training is conducted by Dr. Newton Kondaveti on behalf of Quantum Life University every year for children between the age groups of 5 to 11 years to usher in soul science in the lives of our future generations.

Dr. Newton conducted the 2 Day ‘Little Buddhas Program’ for children on behalf of Life University. It was conducted at the Life Research Academy on the 5th and 6th June between 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm.

LBT 1In this program Dr. Newton conducted many activities for the children to bring out their intelligence at all levels. Generally almost in every school, children are asked to focus only on academics which involves mostly the left brain approach through which they are unable to use their creative abilities to the fullest.

Each child is a creative genius by birth. But because of the inappropriate parental upbringing and conditioning in schools by teachers, children tend to lose their creative ability which is mostly the right brain approach. We all know that the logical brain is useful only in processing information whereas the right side of the brain is very powerful, creative and intuitive by nature. Children are conditioned to use mostly their left brain in schools but if they are encouraged to start using their right brain effectively, it can introduce other dimensions into their studies and learning processes propelling them to excel in whichever field they choose to specialise in. So we need to train our children to start using the right side of their brain right from their childhood to develop their creative expression fully.

This is where Quantum Life University plays a significant role and has taken a step in bringing out the true potentiality in children and in helping parents to raise their children with full awareness.


1st Day (5th June, 2015) – Spiritual Nurturance
The Theme of the first day was ‘Spiritual Nurturance.’
Dr. Newton started the program by teaching the children, how to say Namaste to others by bowing down.

Dr. Newton introduced the mindfulness concept with examples. He showed them how to eat mindfully by sharing lollipop with everyone. With this exercise they all learnt how to do things mindfully.

Drawing with color pencils:
The next concept was drawing with color pencils taught by Sridevi. All the children were divided into groups with 5 members in each group. All of them drew the picture of their house and their family members and finally they gave a title to their photo. All the children drew very well and their creativity flowed out through their drawings. Some of the children came forward and showed their drawings to all.



The third concept was Gratitude. Dr. Newton shared the importance of being grateful for everything in life. He guided the children to write a few gratitude statements for their mother and father. With this, the children learnt how to express gratitude towards others.

Emotional Bubble bursting:
The children were shown how to release their negative emotions like fear, sadness, jealousy and anger by bursting balloons. They learnt to release and let go of all the unwanted emotions by bursting balloons and becoming aware of the breath and their emotions.

Story telling:
Lokanath shared two stories with the children. One was ‘The Rabbit and The wolf’ and the second was ‘The story of Anuglimala’ along with the morals from each story. They captured the essence of the stories and also identified with the moral of each story.  All the parents must be story tellers. When we share stories with children, they identify with some characters in the story and try to imitate them. So it’s better if the parents also share some mythological stories every day so that when the children grow up they can invoke some qualities within themselves by getting inspired with some of the characters present in the story line.

Statue Exercise:
Dr. Newton taught them meditation with playfulness. Children can’t sit in meditation, like how adults do, but they need a new approach to learn and practice meditation. So he asked all the children to jump and play and all of a sudden he asked them to ‘STOP’- all the children were literally silent without moving wherever they were. After this he made them jump and shout again for some time and then asked them to just sit without moving. In this way we can teach them how to practice meditation by introducing it in many such creative ways.



Finally the first day ended with a dance. All the volunteers helped the children to dance and they had great fun.

2nd Day (6th June, 2015) – Awareness Training:

The Theme of the second day was ‘Awareness Training.’
The second day started with a lot of excitement and fun because Dr. Newton and all the volunteers wore some animal masks and came in front of the children. Dr. Newton wore a monkey mask, Lokanath wore a rabbit mask, Bhanu wore a tiger mask and Anand wore an elephant mask. Everyone reached the children and kept asking them ‘who am I’, ‘who am I’? The children became very excited and kept laughing by looking at all of us wearing the masks. Through this act, Dr. Newton introduced them to their Animal Friends. After this many children wore the masks and played together.

Dr. Newton showed the pictures of many animals in motion and after showing the picture of each animal; the children had to guess the name of that animal. By doing this exercise the children learnt how to become friends with animals. Dr. Newton guided them to connect to their animal friends and take a message from them. All the children contacted their animal guides and a few of them shared their experience with the group. Finally every child acted like the same animal which they saw in their meditation.

Play with the clay:


Every child prepared a toy by molding clay; they made the animal toy which they have seen in their meditation. All of them made very nice toys.

Story telling:
Lokanath shared the story of ‘The list of fools’ with the kids. All the children felt very energetic and enjoyed all the activities. As it was their second day they starting guessing the story and they were even able to tell the moral of the story. In this way the children can be encouraged to develop their faculty of imagination.

Dr. Newton introduced the concept of constellation to the children. He chose some of the children & asked each child to represent a family member like their father, mother and kids roles. By making the children represent each role, he shared the importance of each family member. This was the first time we saw Dr. Newton introducing family constellation to children in Life Research Academy. He taught the children how to respect their parents and accept them as they are. All the volunteers were keenly observing this and learning so much.

Creative Visualization:


In this process, Dr. Newton guided the children to go to a favorite place of nature in their meditation and asked them to connect to their angel friends. All the children connected to their favorite place of nature and with many other places like the mountains, Iceland and beautiful gardens and were finally able to connect with their angel friends. This exercise helps the children to develop their visualization skills which is a very important ingredient in life.

Singing in a Choir:
Harika divided all the children into smaller groups and made them sing some beautiful songs along with her. They all enjoyed singing the songs together.

Energy Ball:
Dr. Newton taught the children to make energy balls with their hands and showed them how to apply the energy ball whenever they felt any pain in their body.

Statue Exercise:
Sridevi asked the children to play and shout loudly, and then commanded them to be a statue…and then she asked them to close their eyes and observe their breath.

Finally the program ended with a dance. After the program ended the children felt exulted and were highly energized. Many of them requested Dr. Newton to extend this program even to the next day as they enjoyed learning so many new and interesting things. Ramanamma, Anand, Bhanu and Mahalakshmi also volunteered to help in organizing this program.

Thanks to the entire team of Quantum Life University for turning it into a grand success.

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