Art Therapy
The language of art is common to all, this is no coincidence. Drawing comes before writing in a child’s development. We see this in Waldorf’s form drawing. What cannot be expressed in words can often be expressed, more safely through art. There is no need for any special talent.
Rage or fear can be very safely expressed or released with crayons or clay. Drawing gets people out of their rational analytical frame of mind and immerses them in a child state. As you allow yourself to draw, in spite of self – doubts and self – criticism you relearn the language of your inner child. When we draw we speak the language of our inner child.
The creative processes involved in artistic expression helps to resolve issues as well as develop and manage behaviors and feelings, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem and awareness. A simple activity like colouring a Mandala can help reduce stress and return one to calmness.
Art therapy can achieve different things for different people. It can be used to elicit one’s inner-self in a way that may provide the individual with a deeper understanding of him or herself.
The creative process allows for artistic self-expression which helps individuals solve conflicts, manage behavior, improve self-esteem, develop self-awareness and insight, manage stress, and develop interpersonal skills.