Healing Massage Therapy
Foot Reflexology
A great number of nerves that end in the feet, are connected with virtually every organ in the body. By squeezing, massaging and applying gentle pressure on the feet, this therapy improves your general health and strengthens the functioning of all the organs.This massaged is suitable for anyone above the age of 7.
Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi is the Hawaiian word for massage, which literally means push, pull and knead. This relaxing style of bodywork includes long, fluid, rhythmic strokes over the whole body using the hands as an instrument of the heart. Energetic, emotional and muscular blockages are released allowing circulation, oxygen, life and spirit to flow through body and mind. While the whole body is loved unconditionally, the muscles and connective tissue are stretched, stiff joints are loosened, circulation improves, skin glows, and internal organs are gently manipulated into their correct relationships. The therapist works with deep breathing and heart-centered focus, giving balance, energy flow, and a heart-space for the client.
Swedish Massage
A gentle relaxing massage using various styles of strokes.
Post Natal Massage
This massage is combination of Swedish and Lomi Lomi.