Our Processes
We have received training and guidance from many spiritual masters. In particular with Dr Newton’s spiritual guidance, many processes have been created for the conscious transformation, of adults and children. We continue to receive training and support from him. We completely acknowledge the training received from Leonard Orr the founder of the Re-birthing Breathwork movement on Breathwork and Spiritual Purification. In addition our founder Jayashree has also received direct training from Marshall Rosenberg on Nonviolent Communication, from the Tao Fellowship on Energy Healing. We have also received training in many areas of emotional healing and empowerment. All our processes are spiritual in nature with a scientific foundation.
Our programs span the broad areas listed below : the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the super conscious mind, health, healing, and harmony. We combine the best practices from all spiritual traditions that will help us live healthy, peaceful, and harmonious lives. Programs are provided on an individual as well as a group basis. Through these spiritual science processes, we become aware of our own inner barriers, and transform them to function more effortlessly at our highest potential. As we awaken, it becomes easier to practically implement these principles on a daily basis while parenting and educating our children.